Quality Without Compromise on Display in the Kotz Showroom

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Quality Without Compromise on Display in the Kotz Showroom




Those were the goals at last month’s Suburban Michigan Home Show in Pontiac. Kotz Heating, Cooling & Plumbing was proud to be a part of the event. We had a wonderful time talking with the thousands of people who attended. It was a great opportunity for us to tell them about our history of serving the residents of Oakland County Michigan since 1929 and our long-standing commitment to quality without compromise.

Nowhere is that more evident than in our Kotz Plumbing Showroom where we showcase top quality merchandise. Everything from vanities to name brand faucets and showerheads. We tell you proudly that you will never find much of what we sell in the big box stores.

Good examples are kitchen and bathroom faucets. Some of the brand names will be the same, but the items we carry are all professional grade. Take them apart and the quality you find inside our faucets is superior to the consumer grade faucets you find in other stores. In
Kotz Showroom, all of the faucets and showerheads are hooked up and ready to use.

In other words, you can try before you buy. You can feel the spray. You can turn the water on and off and feel the precision in the valves. We’ll even let you get under the shower to see how it feels, but you might want to bring a towel.

When you buy at the Kotz Showroom you also have access to our licensed plumbers. Are you worried about the price? When you buy a faucet at the Kotz Plumbing Showroom AND have it installed by one of our plumbers, we will match any competing price for that same faucet. Remember though, it must be an apples-to-apples comparison, not a generic brand.

Thanks to all who visited the Suburban Michigan Home Show. We urge you, and everyone else, to stop by the Kotz Plumbing Showroom to see firsthand how we can make any home improvement project a rousing success. Be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for great information throughout the year.