Improve Your Indoor Air Quality with These Tips & Tricks

Indoor Air Quality Testing from Kotz

Do you and your family suffer from asthma, runny or stuffy noses, allergies, sore throat or nausea? What about headaches, fatigue or depression?  If so, your family may be victims of poor indoor air quality in your home. And a dirty, improper or inefficient air filter may be a leading contributor.

These symptoms can be caused by dirt, mold, pet dander, bacteria, and much more that has not been properly filtered or removed from your heating and cooling system. It can also be caused by high carbon monoxide levels, which may indicate a damaged system. One way to improve your indoor air quality is by changing these air filters in your HVAC system.

Change Your Air Filters

One of the most effective and least-expensive ways you can help maintain your home’s heating and cooling system is to regularly change the air filter. Unfortunately, a majority of homeowners do not know how to properly change an air filter or don’t do it on a regular basis. That’s why the technicians at Kotz Heating, Cooling and Plumbing want to take a few minutes to explain to you the benefits of keeping that air filter changed and in good shape.

After air circulates through your home, it passes through the cold-air return duct and through the system’s air filter before entering the furnace to be reheated. As this happens, the filter removes dust collected in the air through its travels. Eventually, the filter will become clogged and in need of cleaning or replacement. A clogged air filter can cause extensive damage to your system that could ultimately lead to costly repair or even premature replacement. Also, while helping maintain good air quality and preventing unnecessary damage, cleaning or changing a clogged air filter can also save on utility bills.

Call Kotz Today To Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

It’s also important to remember that cleaning or changing your air filter is just one component of a regular maintenance schedule. Regular inspections/tune-ups and other maintenance will help identify and correct other system problems. Installation of air purifiers and carbon monoxide detectors could be needed. Kotz Heating, Cooling and Plumbing offers a wide array of maintenance services, including our Red Carpet Program. Call today to schedule maintenance for your home’s system.