Reduce Your Utility Bills with an AC Tune-Up or Plumbing Tune-Up

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Reduce Your Utility Bills with an AC Tune-Up or Plumbing Tune-Up

Trying to stay ahead of the game when paying your utility bills can be frustrating for most homeowners. It may feel like you are underwater and every time you break the surface, you are pulled under again. While we can never make those utility bills disappear, Kotz Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing can help you stay afloat with our regular AC tune-up services and plumbing maintenance programs. We can also help you avoid costly repairs and extend the life of your home systems.

AC Tune-Ups

Scheduling regular AC tune-ups and maintenance are the most important things you can do. This will keep your cooling and heating system running economically and efficiently, which is the best way to reduce those utility bills. Changing your air filters on a regular basis is a crucial part of regular maintenance, an easy, do-it-yourself task that promotes better air flow and enhances air quality. Here are a few other energy-saving tips:

  • Seal your house. Eliminating the amount of air that leaks out – or in – from cracks or gaps around windows and doors will be an immediate cost cutter.
  • Don’t cool an empty house – Turn up your thermostat when you are gone. If you have a programmable thermostat, make sure you use it.
  • Uncovered windows – Heat-generating magnifying glasses during the brightest and hottest part of the day, so keep them closed.
  • Identify problem rooms that require more effort to cool than others. Try to refrain from cranking up the A/C in an effort to make these uncomfortable rooms comfortable. This causes undue wear and tear on your system.

Plumbing Tune-Ups

First of all, what is a plumbing tune-up? You might not know it, but your plumbing system also needs maintenance. This can help save you money in the long haul. 

When you schedule plumbing tune-ups with Kotz, we will make sure faucets and toilets are free of leaks and running properly. We will also inspect your water heater to ensure there are no major issues. As you know, a little prevention costs much less than a major repair, and that’s just what Kotz wants to avoid for you. 

Call Kotz Today To Schedule Your Regular Maintenance Visits

These are some simple cost-saving measures that will help reduce your utility and repair bills. Call Kotz today for more information or to schedule system maintenance.