What Not To Flush Down Your Toilet

What Not To Flush Down Your Toilet

What Not To Flush Down Your Toilet

Flushing inappropriate materials down a toilet may result in blockages, damage to pipes and could even harm the environment. It is critical to understand what should not be flushed down a toilet to avoid these issues. There are several items that are not meant to be disposed of in this manner. Some of the most common items to avoid are:

One of the most common items that people flush down a toilet is baby wipes. Many people believe that these are flushable, but this is not the case. They are not designed to break down in water and can cause blockages in pipes, which can be expensive to repair.

Another item that should not be flushed down a toilet is feminine hygiene products, such as tampons or pads. These items are not biodegradable and can cause blockages in pipes or sewage systems. In addition, they can contribute to the pollution of waterways and harm marine life.

Paper towels and facial tissues should also not be flushed down a toilet. Unlike toilet paper, these items are not designed to break down quickly and can cause blockages in pipes or sewage systems.

Cooking oils and fats should never be flushed down a toilet. These substances can solidify and block pipes, leading to costly repairs. Additionally, they can cause harm to the environment by contaminating water sources and harming marine life.

Lastly, medications or chemicals should never be flushed down a toilet. These substances can contaminate water sources and harm the environment. Instead, dispose of them properly by following the guidelines provided by local authorities or pharmacies.

With these tips, individuals can contribute to a healthier and more sustainable environment and likely avoid costly repairs and stoppages. Should you find yourself with a blocked up mess, call Kotz Heating, Cooling & Plumbing to schedule an appointment with one of our professionally trained plumbers.