Carbon Monoxide’s Impact on Indoor Air Quality

carbon monoxide

For many people November is all about Thanksgiving and the start of the busy holiday season. There’s nothing wrong with that, but Kotz Heating, Cooling & Plumbing wants to make sure you also spend some time thinking about indoor air quality, specifically carbon monoxide safety in your Waterford, MI home. 

Silent killer

The eleventh month is recognized as carbon monoxide awareness month by many cities, states, and home safety organizations. It makes sense since November ushers in cold weather, snow, and ice for the entire Great Lakes region. The silent killer, as CO poisoning is called, kills more people in the winter months than any other time of year.

Protecting your home & family

Any discussion about CO awareness and home safety should start with carbon monoxide detectors. Because you can’t see, smell, or taste CO gas, detectors are the only way to protect your family. If your Waterford, MI home doesn’t have them, now is the time to get them. You should have a detector on every level of the home and one close to each sleeping area. Test the alarms monthly and change batteries twice a year.

Professional service is vital

It’s only natural to think of furnaces when you think of carbon monoxide poisoning, but always remember any fuel-burning appliance creates CO gas. Whether it’s a furnace, gas stove, fireplace (wood & gas), clothes dryer, wood stove, or water heater, it should be inspected at least once a year by a professionally trained technician.

Practice safety in what you do

Another huge part of CO awareness is safe behavior. Some examples:

  • The gas stove in the kitchen can be a source of CO poisoning. This is especially true during the holidays when the cooking and baking is nearly nonstop. Always use kitchen vents and exhaust fans whenever the stove is in use.
  • Never use a portable generator indoors, in a garage, or any other confined area if the power goes out. Gas-powered portable generators must be used outside and away from open windows.
  • Always put a CO detector near the entrance to an attached garage. A malfunctioning gas water heater or a car accidentally left running (easy to do with a keyless ignition system) can quickly fill a garage with carbon monoxide gas which leaks into the home. 
  • If your carbon monoxide detector sounds an alarm the only safe response is to leave the house immediately and call 911.

One facet of IAQ

As important as CO awareness is this month, Kotz wants to remind you it is just one facet of making sure you have healthy indoor air quality in your Waterford, MI home. Call for your no obligation appointment to learn more about air filtration, purification, humidification, and the role they can also play in home safety. For more great heating, cooling & plumbing information like this, be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.