How HVAC Maintenance Can Save You Money

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How HVAC Maintenance Can Save You Money

We all know that there is more to owning a car than just filling it with gas, turning the ignition and driving down the road. If you want the car to last a while and not leave you stranded on the side of the road, you have to maintain the vehicle so it starts each day and runs smoothly. Like your car, your home’s heating and cooling system needs regular and effective HVAC maintenance to keep it operating at its peak efficiency while keeping your home climate-controlled.

Regular HVAC maintenance helps prevent costly repairs and also helps protect our environment, especially when it comes to detecting and correcting air conditioning refrigerant leaks. Not only does a leaking air conditioner pose a threat to the environment, it is also a leading contributor to overall system failure. The EPA reports that a system only one-half pound low on refrigerant can cause up to 20% more utility usage. Regular HVAC maintenance helps keep your system operating efficiently, thereby saving you money on your utility bills. Plus, most systems’s home warranties may be void if regular maintenance is not performed.

Kotz knows the importance of regular HVAC maintenance, including cleanings, repairs, and replacements. Regular servicing to your AC system or heating unit may save you money in the long run. Learn more about our maintenance plans and the importance of scheduling regular HVAC services here:

Call Kotz to Schedule Your HVAC Maintenance

Regular and effective HVAC maintenance can improve your comfort, promote longer system life, save up to 10-30% on utility costs, reduce the likelihood of AC or furnace breakdowns, meet warranty requirements and save on repairs. To meet all these maintenance goals, Kotz’s Red Carpet Maintenance Program includes comprehensive checks, testing and cleaning of all equipment, discounts for program members, no overtime charges and other benefits. Call Kotz today and let’s get started!