School's Out And That Means More Wear And Tear On Your Home Plumbing System

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School's Out And That Means More Wear And Tear On Your Home Plumbing System

Summer is here, and we are all ready for fun in the sun. Is your home ready? Homeowners often don’t realize that their home needs a little prep work to brace for the summer break. For starters, your kids are out of school and are home more often. This means they will use more water, and this in turn can result in your home’s plumbing system absorbing a lot of wear and tear with the additional use.

Make sure your plumbing system is ready for a bigger workload by scheduling a summer tune-up with our experienced professionals. Regular maintenance and service help keep your pipes, drains, toilets and faucets in tip-top shape and operating efficiently. And don’t forget to give your water heater a once-over as it figures to see more work due to increased washing machine use and additional showers.

Backyard barbecues/cookouts and parties are also a staple of summer. Make sure your grill is cleaned up and in good shape. If you cook on a gas grill, a nice way to upgrade your system, while making your outdoor gatherings more convenient and dependable, is installation of a dedicated gas line to your grill. This line can also be used to provide gas to fire pits and outdoor appliances. The dedicated line will be more efficient, while also eliminating the need for propane tanks, which require refilling (when you least expect it) and regular maintenance. Get your grilling upgrades done now and you will be ready for summer fun!

Call your friends at Kotz today to schedule a complete plumbing inspection and to learn more about grilling upgrade options.