Top 5 Signs Your Furnace Is Going Out

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Top 5 Signs Your Furnace Is Going Out

Late August may seem a bit early to be thinking of heating your home, but the temperatures in the Oxford, Michigan area can begin to dip at night earlier than you think. Michigan in winter with no heat is not a scenario anyone would consider ideal. Regularly maintained furnaces can optimally last about 15 years.  If your heating system is that age or even older, it’s probably time to consider the benefits of a furnace replacement. Kotz Heating, Cooling & Plumbing has been serving the homeowners of the Oxford area since 1929. We have the knowledge, experience, and more important, the integrity to perform a quality furnace installation for you to your 100% satisfaction – guaranteed!

Do You Need a Furnace Replacement?

There are many indicators that your furnace is not operating as efficiently as it should. Of course, as we mentioned earlier, age is a primary factor to consider. With time and use, efficiency decreases. Parts wear out and repairs become more frequent. 

So, age aside, the other key factors that may show you need a new furnace installation are:

  • You’re feeling inconsistent heating throughout your home. This means there are hot or cold spots depending on where you are in the home. A well running unit that is the right size and efficiency rating will provide even heating throughout.
  • Your utility bills have greatly increased over what they were last year. If there are no other likely reasons for the increases, a poorly operating furnace could be the cause. It’s worth investigating by having a Kotz Comfort Specialist assess your current situation.
  • When the furnace is running, it’s loud or making other unusual noises. Either of these could indicate malfunctioning parts or faulty ductwork. Kotz has the expertise to offer reasonable and efficient solutions for every home heating need.  
  • No matter the temperature set on the thermostat, you can’t get warm. If the furnace isn’t maintaining the set temperature, it’s not providing the comfort you desire. Call Kotz today and get on your way to being cozy and warm. 

We know Americans spend about 90% of their time indoors. One wonders if that statistic is much higher in Michigan during winter? Whether it is or not, it’s for sure we all want to be warm inside when it’s bitterly cold outside. Don’t wait until your old furnace is totally down for the count to call Kotz for a furnace replacement. Our professionally trained staff are ready to meet with you and get you on the path to having a highly efficient new furnace replacement today.