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We hope you are having a great summer and are enjoying everything the Oakland County, Michigan area has to offer: lake time, outdoor barbecues, Little League ball games and more! We also hope that your home’s A/C is keeping you and your family comfortable during the warm weather.

Of course, we all know that hope is not a plan, so … if your cooling system has reached the end of the line, or maybe you are just ready for a switch to a more efficient, customized, programmable system, let’s talk for a sec. We have just the solution to your problem.

Kotz Heating, Cooling & Plumbing has seen a big increase in popularity recently in the installation of ductless mini split systems. These systems feature a heat pump tucked away outside the home which is connected to individual air handlers for each room, controlled by its own thermostat. They are generally more energy-efficient than standard A/C systems, and will help eliminate the uneven cooling issues you may be experiencing.

Your friends at Kotz offer a complete line of Mitsubishi mini split systems, and would be happy to sit down with you and discuss how they may fit your needs. In the meantime, here are 10 reasons to consider going ductless:

  1. No leaky ductwork. This can’t be overstated: the lack of ductwork lowers up-front installation costs, and drastically reduces energy-bill-inflating air loss.
  2. Eliminate cold and hot spots. Some rooms are just cooler or warmer than others, depending on a variety of factors. Eliminate this problem with zoned cooling and heating. Lower the temperature in one room while raising it, or keeping it the same in other areas.
  3. Wi-Fi thermostat control is the bomb. Set the temperature in any room in the house by remote control of each individual thermostat, and have it just the way you want it when you walk in the door. Easy and convenient.
  4. Better indoor air quality (IAQ). Ductwork does a pretty good job of spreading dust and other indoor pollutants throughout your home. Ductless mini-split systems produce cleaner air with built in purification systems.
  5. Save on energy bills. The system has multiple thermostats, which means homeowners can choose where and when to spend money cooling or heating rooms. Talk about increased efficiency.
  6. Safer than bulky window A/C units. Window units are installed in unsecured windows, while sleeker mini split systems are usually mounted high on an interior wall with no outside access.
  7. No-hassle, less-costly installation. Did we mention no need to install ductwork? This saves you big bucks. Also, each air handler is connected to the outdoor condenser unit via conduit tubing through a 3-inch hole in the wall for the air delivery.
  8. Less noise. Older central A/C units and window units make a lot of noise. A ductless system compressor and condenser are outdoors and generally much quieter.
  9. Just the ticket for remodels or additions. Have you added on a room, made renovations or converted the basement into extra living space? Mini splits are perfect for delivering climate-controlled air directly to these rooms, when you want it.
  10. Lower your carbon footprint. Ductless heating and cooling systems follow Energy Star™ guidelines, which means they are much more energy efficient and environmentally friendly than federal minimum standards.

These are just a few of the reasons for making the move to a ductless mini-split system, and we would be happy to help you decide if it is right for your home. Call Kotz Heating, Cooling & Plumbing today to find out more about ductless mini-split options.